As an instructor, I seek to give my students tools and guidance that will allow them to be versatile musicians and critical thinkers. I lead my students to interpret media, solve problems, and weigh and present arguments both within and beyond the domain of music. In designing and teaching courses, I also avoid unnecessary obstacles to student success and recognize a wide range of identities and musical styles. I have applied my research expertise to the latter goal by offering workshops in southeast European dance at conferences and as a guest lecturer, and by publishing an article about introducing this type of dance in music theory pedagogy.
At UConn I developed and serve as the sole instructor of two course sequences for undergraduate music majors. The four-semester ear training sequence helps students link theoretical concepts with the sounds of the music they perform and listen to, and the two-semester form and analysis sequence explores musical organization in various styles while supporting students' development of reading and writing skills.
Course Syllabi